Game not showing up in sorts (Home & Games pages)

My game is not showing up under any of the sorts on the Home page (Continue Playing, Favorites, Friends Playing) nor the Games page. I would expect the game icon to be under several of these sorts sorts. It’s my most recently played game and my most recently favorite game, but my home page looks like this:

The game should also be sitting around #15 in the Top Earning sort, but it’s not there either. Here’s what I see:

The only place I can get the game icon to show up is under the group game list for the group which the game is published to (it’s the first game):

The problem seems to have started in the past 1-2 days. There were a few site outages, so I thought this was a temporary issue during the outage. But, now that the site is fully back up, this problem persists.

This happens 100% of the time. This is not just for me, it seems like everyone is having this problem. I’ve tried logging into multiple computers. My developers have the problem. We’ve also had several reports from players that it’s not showing up on their home page.


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