Game not showing up inside

So, I created a game and then published it to Roblox (friends only) but when I tested it out in game all I saw was a baseplate inside. But I’ve already built the terrain and everything, why is it doing this?


I did, but I didn’t find that. Also it doesn’t show up game, but does in studio. Exact opposite problem

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My bad sorry Just from the title they seemed so similar I assumed that they were the same.


I’ve saved it multiple times to Roblox and published it. The studio shows this:

But the game is just a baseplate
I blurred because it is still in the works

Can you please share a game link?

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Okay, part of it loaded now. I just tried it

could you please allow us to have access in getting into the game please, otherwise we can not help, thanks.

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I can’t friend you @funkmeist123. Your username gets blocked out

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No we meant that you need to change the permission levels to allow everyone in so we can help you.

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Somehow the game has now appeared. It is no longer a baseplate

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When you test it out in Roblox Studio, does it still spawn you on a baseplate, or the terrain area? Because you might just need to add in a spawn.

So it’s working perfectly fine now?

in studios it was terrain. In game it was baseplate. Now, it loaded for some reason in game. I don’t know what is going on. But thanks anyway @WalkingTalkingTopHat @funkmeist123 @Hello42bacon for trying to help solve the problem

It is working completely fine now. I guess it was just a glitch or something

@LandofLee1620 It could have been a problem during studio and your game did not fully publish. There is not much to say about that except just make sure your game saves and loads correctly.

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Well, Im glad you were able to fix your problem, although Im still confused as to what the problem was in the 1st place :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::woman_shrugging:


Possibly. It had been saved several times previously and correctly :woman_shrugging:

Okay, so the studio showed terrain. This pic:


while the game in the Roblox app was just a baseplate. I had saved and published everything and was super confused

Sometimes studio can act off, it has happened to me before, but it is always good to come to the forum for help. If something does go as a bug though, make sure the staff see it so they can fix it.