Game pass Ownership API

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to check ownership of new Game Passes remotely. The only way this can be done is via the game, not the web API, since none of the web APIs deal with game pass IDs, only asset IDs.

I’d love to see a new endpoint added here that allows developers to check if a specific user ID owns a certain game pass ID.

I maintain a popular Roblox Discord bot which has the ability to bind certain Discord roles to ownership of a particular asset. This still works for badges, but a lot of people were also using this to give a special role to people who bought a specific game pass (like “Premium User”). Without the ability to check ownership of a game pass via the web API, I’m unable to provide this service to server owners.

There are many other use cases for this, such as a web panel for a game which displays a user’s purchases or verifying user data on remote database.



I definitely support this feature. There’s no reason for it to be left out of the web API.

This already exists here:!/Inventory/get_v1_users_userId_items_itemType_itemTargetId

The data array will be empty if they don’t own the item.


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