Game passes suddenly not working, getting TooManyRequests errors

Hello everyone, for 1-2 days now gamepasses for my game randomally stopped working out of no where and every code that has “MarketPlaceService” errors which means it stops working. Am I missing anything have they updated the marketplaceservice cause I’m geting a bunch of errors named “TooManyRequests” and I’m just soo confused.

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No need to send the code cause everything worked before and I touched nothing the lines are just where the gamepass checks are

game.MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamepassAsync(Player.UserId, ID)

This apparently is “Too Many Requests” and not once in years have I ever seen this with gamepasses it even does it on “PlayerAdded” and “CharacterAdded”

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It means you are sending too many marketplace requests and ROBLOX is declining them! Try sending less requests!

Normally that’s what “toomanyrequests” mean.

I had "

or Player.UserId == MyUserId

If I removed that would it fix?

Maybe send one of the scripts causing the error because it’s probably that one of these scripts are looping requests.

I’ve looped checks for years and never had this error, I can maybe make one script to check if gamepass is owned then make a stat == true if owned would that fix it without a constantly checking?

Yes, that does probably help with this issue, as it won’t prompt purchases when the user owns is.

Alright ill go do this now, thanks!

No problem, any further issues just reply and I’ll be more then happy to help!

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If it’s fixed your issue you can just set the post as solved.

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