Game/Place Management UI Re-design

Note - This Feature Request covers both Studio and the Roblox Web Page, however, since it is mostly a UI request I’ve categorised this under Web Features.

A year ago I posted a suggestion on the ‘Changes to Place Management’ thread to help make searching for and organising Games and Places easier for users.

The reason why this is needed is to bring cohesion of layout and design to both the Roblox Creator’s page and the Studio Place Selection page.

The Studio Select Page is clunky, difficult to sort through and suggests no distinction between Games and Places.
It is especially difficult if you have a Game with different places for differing development builds or tasks, such as ‘Live’, ‘Beta’, and ‘Test’ places.

Please see the two images below as a sort of ‘ideal’ layout to help users distinguish, interact with and manage places easier.

Roblox Studio Page Selection:
RobloxRedesign.rbxl (26.8 KB)
You will note that, the ‘Start’ place is clearly identified, and their is also a link to a game’s and place’s metrics (analytics) which would be very useful to have in the future.

The Sort feature should include:

  • Sort by Active
  • Sort by Last Updated (place or game)
  • Sort by Popularity (Concurrent Players or Active Players)
  • Sort by Creator (if on the ‘Shared with Me’ tab)

It would also be useful to have a toggle button for ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’ rather than individual sorts.

Thank you for considering and please leave suggestions and critique below!


Roblox isn’t interested in purely proposed solutions like this as feature requests, because they cannot take your entire solutions as-is anyway and it is not efficient to boil down a list of user problems from what you are presenting here.

You should focus on feature requests that describe each problem you are having with the current layout instead. I would recommend editing this topic to follow the feature request format and then adding your designs as a footnote, not as the main content of the topic.


With how anti-webpage Roblox has been recently, regarding stuff related to developing games, I don’t think they’re going to be redeisgning the webpage anytime soon. Both areas are a UX Nightmare. For one, finding the places for a game is quite difficult since you can no longer go to Develop and find a game quickly from last modified. Everything is stuck at it’s creation date, or when the develop page actually functioned properly before Last Modified was removed, which was around 4 or 5 years ago now. If last modified was added back, it would definitely make the UX of developing much better. Currently, I’ve found that clicking on “Configure Game” on the game’s page, and then going to “Places” is much more efficient than sifting through TWENTY pages just to find the place you want to work on, because again, there’s not a Last Modified option.

Studio’s develop page is still a sloth when it comes to loading pages and the like. This could be the result of Roblox not supporting AMD APUs very well, or it could just be that Roblox’s UI engine is using my iGPU for some reason (which could very well be the case.)

As good as Roblox is with allowing people to create any game they want to, with some very obvious and needed restrictions, since it is primarily a kid’s platform, the user experience with developing is absolutely terrible and it needs to change.

I DO NOT want to sift through 20 pages of places, have to open the start place up in studio, go to the game explorer, nor do I want to have to go to Configure Game -> Places and scroll through 30 places to find the one I want to work on.

If any change makes the developing process easier, awesome.

I personally like the idea of the Studio layout, but the only problem is yet again, the performance implications, which will most likely be terrible. The web layout is also pretty good.

I’d be more than satisfied with last modified being brought back to the Create page above everything else though.


As far as from what I saw, they’re working towards removing pages such as develop and migrating everything into Studio. This allows updates to Studio to be pushed out faster since they won’t need to coordinate with the web development team as often for certain updates.

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