Game playtime too low

I’ve been sponsoring my game for days, made various improvements, and have only received good feedback from my players. The thing is that half STILL leaves the game within 3 minutes. What is it that I’m doing wrong? I spend a lot of time on making my game, I’d be a waste for it to end up like this.

Does the problem lie with the fact that it’s 2D? Is it too hard? Did I target the wrong audience?


Hey I just played the game and I think its quite good. However, one thing I do have to say is the font is quite annoying to read and is just not appealing and the ui is quite messy and hard to see because of how transparent it is and many more ui related things. Id reckon theres nothing much wrong with the actual game but actually the Ui and font. If u fix that, the game might do just that bit better.

– heres an example of what I mean by its too hard to see

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Overall it was well designed, nice gui design, plays well. Its not bad.

Things i noticed after playing:

  • 1 part of the tutorial felt unintuitive and more difficult than it should have been. (4th stage).
  • Upon exiting the tutorial, it asks you to pick a skill but the player can’t really make an informed decision since there wasn’t anything explaining skills until that point.
  • Another thing not explained (or i wasnt paying attention) speed can go down
  • Some obsticles arent fair, (mainly 4 boxes and a saw at the top, some are too close together so you cant really build momentum
  • Gets kinda boring given everything since theres no clear incentive to keep playing.


  • Tutorial for other game mechanics( Skills, what other stuff you can do that couldve been missed
  • More gameplay features and balanced levels
  • Maybe add the possibility of player made levels?
    Points system for good/perfect dodges or uninterrupted running
  • Explore other game modes beyond running that could also be fitting, 3D version of it maybe?( like running down a road or up a road)
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