Then don’t post it until you have pictures. You want to make a good first impression, not a lousy first impression and a decent second one.
So then why showcase it when you cant play without paying in the current state?
The only reasons you have to pay for it is to get actual feedback and not trolls and because it’s in alpha 1
I added the pictures I could from mobile. I couldn’t add any gifs or gameplay because I didn’t have anyone to play with me.
Since there are currently no screenshots, gifs, or videos of the game, my friend and I decided to take the L and buy the game, and write a review. Here’s what I found (and what I thought about the game):
The UI is lazily made, and the health and stamina bar are as simple as it gets.
This could have a little more detail to it instead of it being two very small bars on the bottom-left side of my screen. Here’s the actual size:
As you can see, it barely even covers any of my screen. Having it be a little bigger would do wonders to make it pop out more, and also maybe mess around with UICorners or UIGradients. This way, it’s not a health and stamina GUI you would see from 2015.

This is one of the most simple GUIs I’ve ever seen. A ‘customize-your-avatar’ UI with stretched icons and barely anything that shows you those two gender buttons can be pressed. This needs an extreme overhaul; one that implements a better UI and points out a better way of what you can press, and better customization features since you literally only get brown hair when you pick the female option.
The “Time Left” GUI is also lazily made, and could use reworking. It’s subpar because it actually has rounded edges, but the colors in my opinion don’t match well. You could also add some more depth to how it functions.
The next complaint is gameplay. I’ve recorded a few videos on the gameplay to show how it works.
The timer starts at 200 iirc, and you take about 30 seconds before being allowed to spawn into the game as a kid. This is WAY too long, and you barely get any instruction as of what to do here, as both a kid or Santa. I thought this was originally a camping game, not reverse Piggy. Also, the disbalance between a million kids versus one Santa really turns me off from the game, and also its really bad way of direction or what you do. There needs to be a guide or at least something to tell you what to do when you get your role.
The RNG is also horribly imbalanced, since my friend got to be Santa 10 TIMES while I was only able to be Santa once. You really need to add a fix for this, since your randomizer system is not enough for this type of game. It’s extremely unfun and what caused me to stop playing the game after about 3 minutes of trying to be Santa.
In this video, my friend had no sense of direction as Santa, and literally wandered around trying to interact with anything. The example house is extremely close quarters, which means you can barely run as Santa, and with 7 kids versus 1 Santa, that wouldn’t be fun to play, alpha or not. I would have a bigger house or make Santa able to defend against the kids in a way that isn’t running away from them. You can also see that my friend has no animations (the animations only play for Santa), which I literally don’t even know how you managed to screw this up, but this needs fixing bad. Having a Santa that hovers around the map would horrify me if this was a horror game, but that just doesn’t work here. The pillow is also a linked sword (free model) that just has a pillow mesh and a very annoying “it’s a pillow pet!” equip sound, which annoyed me every time it was equipped. I would suggest creating your own pillow tool, since this gets extremely annoying after the first time equipping it.
Here’s a video of me actually playing as Santa. It’s a Steamable link, so you may have to go to the website to review it (it’s over a minute long even with the speed-ups.)
Here’s a link incase you can’t see the video.
In the video, you can see that there is barely any sense of direction on what you can do, and random invisible barriers that I run into because there’s no way of identifying where you aren’t supposed to go, or where you are supposed to. This is a bad issue that needs to be fixed immediately, since it can ruin a lot of experiences because you can’t run away due to the barrier trap which immediately gets you killed.
You also take way too long to do any action, and I get this may be due to how little actions there are to do, but this is due to you not adding more actions. There also isn’t any indicator that you’ve completed your tasks, which is not very good, and needs to be added. You also can’t spectate when you die as a kid, or if you’ve just joined, which is also something that turned me off from the game at the start.
Overall, this is a lazily-made mess of a game with barely any content for a 25 Robux alpha. This should’ve been developed and polished at least a little bit more before sending this to Cool Creations. This subpar product was not worth my time or money, nor my friend’s. Please think before you post unfinished or alpha-state games to the developer forum to prevent this from happening. I would also suggest maybe not posting something that you need to pay for, or don’t have previews of it.
This is not protecting you from receiving criticism of your product. If you have posted it to the developer forum, expect your work and yourself to be criticized like I have. You are being ridiculed due to your overall lousiness and inability to plan ahead before releasing this to the public. I would suggest lowering the price for this alpha or even making it free, since this will turn everyone away from your product until you’ve added gameplay previews/sneak peeks. Anyway, this is my opinion, so you’re free to rebuttal or respond to my criticism.
The UI are bad because I’m not a UI designer and my UI designer is making them rn. I’m a scripted. I thank you for you feedback and take that to heart. I will try to make the game more balanced. Maybe I could give Santa a weapon that stuns the kids? The map was from the toolbox because again I’m a scripter not a builder. Thank you for your feedback, Roblox titan
Let me sum it up for you @RobloxTitan4223. Basically people feel that putting a paywall on this game is not the smartest idea when you don’t have any images to showcase the game. Here’s a scenario I’m sure pretty much every logical person would experience in something like this:
You buy access to a game without reference images and all there is to describe the game is a description from the owner. For all we know the game could simply be a blank baseplate, and you would’ve taken Robux from many people causing those many people to get upset.
Over all, it’s basically you asking us to pay for a game that we would be walking blindly into, as there are no images to show what to expect in the game. If you were to do this again, I would suggest that if you’re putting a paywall on your game, at least take the time and effort to showcase a few images just to show what to expect from the game.
Ok ok ok.
Well Built Aspects of The Game:
- House detail (ig)
Needs Improvement:
- UI
- Scripting
- Space
- Instructions
- Original builds
What I do not understand is: Why are you charging 25 Robux from kids to play a Christmas game when almost all aspects of the game are low-quality and the builds are not original content?
I second this. This whole post is just really suspicious.
I think the owner should make it a free game
Ive done that now
charz charz charz
By the name and the game itself, I think moms would be very interested of your game, good work
I am not paying to give you feedback on your game, and the pictures showcase nothing.
Wait, to get this straight, you want us to pay to give you feedback? Doesn’t sound like a great deal, and you won’t get many trolls on the devforum.
Well to start of I don’t know where to begin, I’ve noticed this issue with tons of newer developers that aren’t really in the right mindset or aren’t matured enough to develop their own products. First of all I’d suggest not using free models as they could contain viruses and the UI isn’t the best and seems quite plain for a game that you’re possibly passionate about. I’ve said this multiple times if you’re struggling on your own ask others for help that’s not a bad thing and won’t harm you in any way, it’s actually way better than stealing other people’s work and using it for your own game. Although it’s a nice idea I don’t think you portrayed it in the correct way since it looks extremely rushed.
The only free model is the buildings because I’m not a builder. I’m not some rookie idiot.
The game is now free. All paid users will be compensated ingame
UI UPDATE COMING OUT TOMMOROW! Join the game at 1:30PM ET tomorrow to play together!
All players who join will get a special surprise ingame!
No one called you that. He/she was only giving you advice. I agree with him, if you aren’t good at UI or building then you can simply ask for help. All we are doing is giving you advice.