Game Project needs advices

Hello I have been working for a few months on a game project. However, this project remains a bit vague because even if I know what theme I want it to be (feudal japan) I don’t really know how to go about it organize the game. I just know that I want it to be an open and realistic world. I would like to know the opinion of others to know what type of concept intereste people with this theme.

Thanks in advance for your feedback

Some pictures of the game:


Looks great, the menu could be imrpoved. Make it less “boxy” and more neat; less red.

Yes I see, I am starting out I don’t really know the possibilities of GUI. Thank you

I can relate to this. It’s easier to flesh out a vague vision for a game that you want to see, but can be hard to actually design :stuck_out_tongue:

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It looks alright. I have noticed that you have used Decals. Have you attempted to go for an alternative to using Decals?

The UI, unfortunately it doesn’t look great. The buttons looks quite bland and the dark image, the colour change is quite noticable. It can be quite difficult to determine how the GUIs should look.

Hm that’s right, I tried to reproduce the aesthetics of Kurosawa’s films
But maybe it doesn’t fit with a menu?


First of all, I must congratulate you on a lovely looking game design. You have obviously put a lot of work into this and your build does look very good indeed. Well done to you and your team.

You stated that you were looking for game ideas: I know very little indeed about Japanese history so have you considered making a role-play game, where players have to live, work and eat as a Japanese man or woman? Your game would provide the ideal platform to educate users about this part of Japanese history.

Thank you very much (I am alone on this project), indeed I plan to make a role play but I am looking for ideas of objectives for the game beyond playing a role

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