Game Randomly Crashing with No Idea Why

Hi! For the past few months now, my game, ⭐KPOP | ARCADIA DANCE STUDIO - Roblox has been disconnecting with a “you have disconnected” screen during community events with little idea why. I’ve looked through the client and server console, and though memory tends to be high, tit isn’t anything out of the norm that would cause a full-on server crash.

There is no specific time in which it happens, therefore a repro is unlikely, and I don’t really know how to trigger it otherwise. Attached is a log file with my info.

Please help me out if you can,


Does the problem happen in Studio, the live server, or both?

make sure social slots are set to roblox optimized. recently they changed it to disabled for no reason

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Live server, have never had this happen in studio

My game was already on roblox optimized.

When you look at the analytics, are there any errors or warnings? Could it be possible that there is a race condition?

There was a bug report some months ago when players left the server that their model information was being cached and never released which would cause the server to eventually run out of memory. Roblox has recently announced a possible fix for the issue. I think it’s in beta testing now. You mentioned that memory usage runs high. How high? The limit is 6GB.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

From a log from a player, this issue doesn’t look like a result of server crash.
In the log file, before connection was lost, there is a connection timeout of 10 seconds and a asset fetch timeout of 60 seconds. It looks like the client was disconnected due to terrible network connections, for example, if the device is using cellular network in an area with weak signal coverage.
@Masterdregen . Is the log we got from you? What is the network environment where you encountered this issue?
