Game Ratings Help

I made this game and wanted to get feedback on it as am looking to remake it this year with community feedback.

I would appreciate it if you could rate the game out of 10 and put some tips to make it more engaging.

Game: Make Anything! ✨ - Roblox


Hello Bro, I have played your game and honestly I felt disoriented. I didn’t know what to do in the game. There is an aspect to improve in the game such as the map, it is very empty. I would recommend adding a description or a message that says what to do or the purpose of the game. I was confused because when I saw the ratings table I thought it was a star catcher or something like that but when I saw the title there it gave me another idea of ​​the game, I really don’t understand. My rating for the game is 4/10 Good luck in your game!

i like it but some things you could add that i love

  • Better UI new icons is really all and maybe make it more colorful
  • Index for seeing what you have unlocked
  • a lobby or hangout area in the middle since the map is very empty

some bugs i noticed are the frames dont close if you open a new one
and the tree model is broken
when you die the game is basically broken and i cant create anything

This game experience gets a 1/10 from me. Here is why.

What I do like:

I do like the art style, though a bit overused (in my opinion), I personally liked it.

What I don't like:

First off, improve the spawning system as something like this could happen:

Secondly, why do my stars go down even though my request couldn’t be processed? Third, why can’t I see my stars after I reset my character?

There really isn’t much to do besides type things into a text box and hope the game had that request stored so it could load. I don’t like how the map is so small. What is the point of the leaderboards? They seem to just be there for no reason. Also, why are the stars so high above the ground? Lastly, the UI kind of sucks. That’s about it. There isn’t much to talk about because there really isn’t much of a game here.

Why your game isn't getting players:

I asked some of my friends who play Roblox to play this game and the reason they left at about the 20 second mark was because: “There is nothing to do.” So it seems like you should add more interesting game play elements.

Also, what does “get exclusive items” mean in the Ultimate perks gamepass?


This just seems like a cash grab in my opinion, a rip off of make a wish. I know everything I said sounded very harsh, and I apologize, but I really would love to see you succeed in making the game. I genuinely hope you will add a lot more to the game and make it great!

(side notes: sorry for the messy post)

imma say the same thing @darvinpro64 said, I think the game felt empty and confusing

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