Game Revenue & Player Count Dropped – Need Advice!

Hey everyone,

When I first released my game, it blew up, if you could say that, and made a lot of revenue. Player counts were high, and everything was going great. However, once March came around, my stats started to drop significantly fewer players, lower engagement, and way less revenue.

Current Stats:

Daily Revenue:




If anyone has insights on what worked for their game or any other suggestions, I’d really appreciate it!

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Based on the analytics, it looks like a long-term retention issue. Day 1 is low and Day 7 is at 0%.

I currently don’t have my mic, so I can’t record a video nicely. So, here’s a list of things. Some of it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day, but the issues/things add up making the game sub-par in many ways.

Feedback notes:

  • Tutorial Oddness | The tutorial is automatic when I join -it can be confusing as I can’t go back to it…
    • The shop also just popped up when I joined. I think the spawn is on top of the shop area, or I walked there without realizing it bc the tutorial images were on the screen.
  • Small Leaderboards | games usually have these be big to grab attention. Not super big, but bigger than what’s in the spawn right now.
  • Oversaturation & Staleness Simulator Genre | The genre itself has a bunch of games already, or an understatement.
  • UI Overview (Lack of Eye Candy & Quality of Life Pop-ups)
    • the daily chest could have a better UI pop-up, or I guess that’d be an unnecessary extra. I’d look to see what popular games in the genre do here. Lots of eye candy.
    • No pop-up for if I’m not in the group when walking in group chest area
    • When destroying trees or anything, you get diamonds that show on the screen, but it’s not randomized enough so it looks weird being in the middle of the screen all the time.
  • Bugs:
  • Visuals // 3D Environment:
    • the spawn is barren on the ground. Put like a carpet or a fountain or something:
    • Overall it feels generic and off-putting to me. The way the light bounces off the trees, the neon green, the way everything scaling-wise feels off.
  • Audio
    • The explosion SFX doesn’t vary in pitch or anything so it can get annoying quickly.

I’m not motivated to go to the shop and pets(? secrets?) due to lack of responsiveness & eye candy, the clunkiness, and I just don’t like this genre/style of game. There are likely a lot of things I could add, but I’d assume I’m not the target audience for this. It’s also 1 am for me, sorry if this is harsh.

More unstructured, I think you’ve got a lot of game passes and whatnot. I don’t think that’s the issue. Based on me playing for a bit, and the analytics, I’d say players just don’t want to come back. Daily rewards and higher quality (UI, tutorial, sfx design, game design of knowing where to go and what to do (arrows?)) could help.

I think it’d also be helpful to watch someone play your game and then see how popular games in the genre do it. The shop, telling players where to go generally, tutorialization, progression, etc.


First off, I really appreciate the detailed feedback. I don’t mind criticism at all in fact, I prefer it because it helps improve the game. The more honest feedback I get, the better the experience can be.

You brought up a lot of valid points, and I can see how these issues, even if minor on their own, could add up and make the game feel sub-par.

Tutorial & Shop: I see what you mean about the tutorial being automatic and possibly confusing. I am currently working on those newer tutorial systems this was just a quick put in! Also the shop popping up was an accidental bug I put it with the newest update it was now fixed thanks for that!

Leaderboards: Good point making them more noticeable might improve engagement.

UI & Pop-ups: I 1000% agree that some elements could use more polish. Adding more eye candy, better feedback for actions like opening chests, and making rewards more satisfying visually could help.

Audio: Honestly you are right for that after working on the game for a while now I had to turn off my audio, will get that fixed asap!

Overall thank you so much for your detailed reply!

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