Game & Scripts Keep On Lagging (On a good PC)

Anyone know how to fix or why your “Experience” keeps on lagging, even if you have a loading screen, a preloader and a good PC?

Every time I make a game, I have the same problem. halfway through making the game and testing it. IT RUNS SLOW. And I have A good PC that can run almost all games with no problem.

Video of testing it (Game not done yet, using source code to get the build done and then customize it some more): It Suppose to be fire all the lasers when the beat hits. not take forever to start the first one.

any soulotions, I can’t find any or much info online?

Could be a script run time issue. Make sure all of your scripts are running efficiently, otherwise over time you’ll slow down your game. It could also be a malicious script issue, make sure to check there are no random scripts that you didn’t write in the game. If you find any, and it wasn’t in an FM (Free Model), then check all of your plugins, sometimes they can and will inject bad scripts into your game via studio.


ok, I will take a deep look at the scrips. Thanks for the help. :slight_smile:

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