Game Security With Tool Configuration

I am currently working on a fps engine as a little side project and have made some progress in it so far. However, I keep running into questions about the security of my game as roblox is pretty notorious for hackers messing with how a game runs and I an amateur developer on this platform, so I am not sure about the best practices to ensure fair and secure gameplay.

The largest problem I am currently running into is with tool configuration. I don’t know where to store the information about weapons and other tools that players can use. After around 2 or 3 complete revisions of my code I have currently been using an attribute-based system but after doing some research around how hackers can modify values and attributes on the client side I feel that I have to rewrite all of my code again. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where to keep this data.

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From my understanding:
Values stored server-side and read from the server are safe. The client cannot modify server stored values.
So unless you had a unsecure remote function/event or used an infected free model, you can trust server-side information.