Game servers being DDoS'd

This won’t help, since they have a lot of alt accounts probably. Even though we use a Age Limit, our competition group (we suspect) has 400k+ members. Enough of them are exploiters…

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To be frank, people will exploit you for various reasons because they’ve got “bad blood” from some process in your group (they feel they were wrongfully removed or something).

Also, I take it I’m not meant to spawn here:

Because usually when your own server scripts break after exploitation, they were targetting that area of the systems.

A few possibly useful posts I found. Would any of these help?


Yeah indeed… They have tried several times this year to get us banned due to our growing rate…

Haha you indeed shouldn’t spawn there. Re-Spawn and it should work xD

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I did respawn, thats why I alerted you.

First I spawned in the black error box, then there.

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It wont be, @Kensizo does everything himself.


Just because it’s custom doesn’t mean it can’t be abused to overload the server. Going over the code again might reveal a few flaws.

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What? Do you think DDOs’s are ran in a lua injector? There can be ddosing a roblox game, since the server has an ip. It is likely a free model, but no one will ddos using a roblox exploit.

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It’s exactly the same i’m getting trough.

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That is what someone who did very inappropriate stuff on Roblox said - then they banned him (after about four tries).

The issue is Roblox doesn’t log people who join (it would be quite pointless) so when you report someone they can only really get to them if they take it upon themselves to trace the people.

VIP Servers it works, and for a little bit in normal servers until someone joins and crashes it.

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Ban the exploiters. There will be a point where they stop, and try to add an age script to your game, so if their account age is under a month old, they get kicked. This way, they run out of accounts sooner or later.

Edit: Also, they will eventually stop because everyone exploiting would need this same ability to crash the game, so if it is a script they are using, they will eventually get tired of loading that same script.

If it is a script on your end they are abusing, such as a .Chatted event, I would recommend disabling that script for now if it is possible, to make things much smoother. If that isn’t able to be done because it is a crucial element to your game, then you will just need to keep banning the exploiters. Sorry I can’t help further than that.

Correct me if im wrong but I believe this can be done by spmming RemoteEvents etc so I’d suggest detecting who and how often they are calling x event and kicking them.

Good point @jeditcdisback but I do not think this is the issue since the entire server for everyone says your account has been launched from two different places or whatever. Point being it would normally just crash your game or freeze it for a while. Since RemoteEvents have rate limits for this reason.

As others have said you CANNOT DDOS someone via roblox as the client does not have access to the server. Odds are they are probably abusing an event and overloading roblox causing it to crash.
Another cause could be a memory leak in your game. Check your dev console for the performance of each script.

It could also be a free model in your game or a bad plugin which could be inserting a script for exploiters to use. Make sure your developers are using legitimate plugins.

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There is a way to DDOS roblox servers.
I don’t know the specifics, but this is prevalent in the Roblox clanning community.

To make sure their clan doesn’t lose a raid, people will ddos the server to crash it before they lose.

I heard they inject something to extract the IP of the server and then use a multitude of different booting websites on that IP. This means that as long as they are in the server, they can crash it.

Update for everyone coming across this:

No until this day we have not found a solution. This is because it’s only Roblox can fix. I’ve read a lot of people say you can’t DDoS Roblox games, however, this is false. Everytime a game is started (first player joins a game) the game gets put on a server, to act as the host if you will.
For the player to be able to join the game, it needs to connect to the specific server the game is being hosted on. For this, the player needs the IP and Port of the server.

This can be retrieved by a client through the ConnectionAccepted event of the NetworkClient service.

For obvious reasons, I will not name them, but there are services out there that allow you to DDoS / overload a server through IP / port.

Recently we’ve been experiencing servers being crashed once again. This time it isn’t however DDoS’d and rather an event being abused thus overloading the server.


the server ip is legit logged in a txt file by roblox… that’s how they are getting ddosed i learn it from this post: