Game settings options screen can freeze/softlock studio

The same thing has been happening to me too lately. I would say it does it a good 70 or even 80% of the time. This is definitely a big problem. I honestly thought this was just me, but I guess not.

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It is extremely frustrating that this feature was shipped and the old web system was removed when the current system doesn’t work. In terms of feedback, I would prefer if web systems were not deprecated becasue of situations such as these.

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Yes whenever I try allowing HTTP Requests and clicking save, all of the game settings buttons are still responsive but I am essentially unable to close the settings window indefinitely and I have to kill studio.

I need to turn it on now because I’m losing out on crucial data for GameAnalytics and I’m unable to turn it on. This is very frustrating.


Here’s a video of what happens to me:


I’ve been having this issue recently as well and it makes it almost impossible to enable HttpService as you cannot do so from the website. All I can hope is that it gets fixed asap, I’ve tested in an empty baseplate and the same issue still occurs there.


Been having this issue persist on my end as well. Hoping for a fix soon.

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I was about to report it, but i found this, this happens to me ALWAYS, it’s not like, it softlocks sometimes, it’s just everytime I save, it stops, and i have to close it with task manager and i’ve lost a lot of data during this, Hopefully this get’s fixed because it’s pretty annoying image

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You can type game:GetService("HttpService").HttpEnabled = true in the command bar, then press enter to enable http requests without having to use the Game Settings!

Also, yes. This happens to me too.


Not going to be rude. I just spent hours and hours completing something but I decided to change it to R6 yet you say you will look into it but nothing has happened I’m stuck in screen and I didn’t save anything. This is clearly not my fault because none of the Staff has even fixed the glitch. This needs to get fixed.


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Happening to me right now. Though it happened mutliple times but I’m reporting this time because I found an interesting thing.

I changed my walkspeed for 200 to 20 and saved. But it seems to be not closing now. But the fact is, I found that when i saved, my character appeared in the studio and created a folder called CharacterRoot. But I can’t see what’s inside it because I can’t get into my studio now.

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This has happened to me everyday since 3 days ago. Every time i make a new change in game settings and change it it freezes so i have to force shut down studio which can decrease my productivity in studio.


The problem is that this bug also leads to not being able to overwrite your games, as it gets stuck. The only thing you can do is cancel which then leads to another bug of not being able to exit studio. The only workaround is to forcefully close your studio which leads to lost work.

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Hi all! The last few days I had this error, when I try to make settings in Roblox Studio, it “Crash” and the screen freezes, when it happens I have to use Task Manager and close Roblox Studio.

Please fix the issues!

Photo: Screenshot by Lightshot

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Yeah, it’s really annoying. Sometimes I forget to turn on R6 or R15 for my game and then it crashes and I lose an hour of work.


When you open studio there should be a pop-up which says “Auto Recovery File Detected” and then click open

Then find the auto-recovered file for your game and then you’ve got all your work back!

By the way it is a good practice to save your work every 5 - 10 minutes so you don’t have to do things like this

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This really needs to be fixed. I needed to allow third party sales to test something, and when I clicked save, it froze. Had to close out of Studio, and I lost all of my work.


This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.


It’s possible to change walkspeed and jump height/power in the properties of StarterPlayer.


To me, it happens when I change avatar settings.
From the default to R6.

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