Game showing up in someone's recent

Hello, I’m trying to have a script run but not show up in someone’s recently played games. As the script runs to an API that then ranks the person within the group and considering this will be a huge group I do expect this to be abused.
Of course, I could script a whole new thing that verifies the person’s quests completion before rank, however, I’m hoping for a more simple option than that.
Is it possible to make games not show in someone’s recent?
I tried to run the script in a place of the same game I’m working on but the script just didn’t run properly for some reason.

local BloxCord = require(itookthisout)
BloxCord.login("itoothisouttoo", "tookthisoutaswell") -- ONLY CALL THIS ONCE AT THE TOP OF YOUR SCRIPT
local groupid = 12356789-- your groupid
local rankid = 235 -- Rank needed to be promoted

	if (p:GetRankInGroup(groupid) == rankid) then
		BloxCord.promote(groupid, p.UserId)
		p:Kick("Promotion Completed")
		p:Kick("You need to be rank ".. rankid.." in order to get promoted.")

If you want to rank someone, make a new place (INSIDE OF THE ORIGINAL GAME, DO NOT MAKE A NEW GAME). Do NOT set it as the start place. An explanation:

And then when someone gets a rank up use:

and then

So they can’t join a non-start place, and they only get teleported when you say they can level up.