Game simply not getting anywhere

I have probably spent about 30k-40k total on advertising for my game, but it does not seem to get anywhere. While it does get a constant 0-4 players, thats not much and its like a few robux per day.

I dont see why, players really like the game, the dislike ratio is a bit skewed as it got botted at one point. (20+ dislikes overnight with no other change in stats, and with my group filled with spam bots).

I’ve tried running ads, spending like 4k-5k per day, it does temporarily boost player count for a while, until it dies off again.

How am i supposed to make a game get more players? It seems impossible. In all my years of making games ive not gotten a single remotely popular game. I’d appreciate any tips on how to improve this game or its marketing.

ROBLOX’s official advertisements have gone downhill in my opinion, other more popular creators such as RoBuilder publicly said this in one of his videos.

You could attempt some of the following things:

• Build a Portfolio show-casing various aspects of progress in your development skills

This builds credibility yourself, instead of borrowing. This

establishes a form of presence in the community making people more likely to follow your content or play it!

• Develop a social media presence, this could be your own YouTube, popularity on the dev forum. Hazem created a group with Please Donate and now has millions of eyes on his other projects.

• Borrow credibility elsewhere, by having someone review your content such as a YouTuber or a trustworthy source you could boost a spike in popularity

Hopefully, this helps, best regards and good luck with your project!


As you said yourself, you advertise you get a boost in players then it goes down again. So the problem us holding the audience attention and hooking them in.

Perhaps there is a couple things you could do to try and maintain the audience:

  1. Leaderboards. Literally most games have one. It’s a big reason why people even play people’s games. I personally will not even play/grind a simulator if it doesnt have one. I especially won’t spend robux. (by using leaderboards, people will also be more inclined to grind the leaderboards, join your discord maybe buy gamepasses/currency etc

  2. There are of course “Trends”, but you didn’t even create like a simulator, rpg or TOH concept, roleplay or anything. You tried creating a new concept type game. Usually people don’t do that until they have a brand/audience behind them. Unless you’re game is going to be absolutely mind-blowing, usually it won’t do well without an audience beforehand.

  3. You don’t give us a reason to grind it. There’s no “end goal” usually leaderboards are a placeholder for that.

  4. You don’t give the players a reason to join your group. Maybe put in the desc of your game, and in-game that you get like a 25% coin boost if you’re in the group.

So my best advice is to call your game a “Simulator” in the title so it can get searched up easier because “Simulator” is a keyword. Add some leaderboards. Maybe even add a delay before each round? Atleast 10 seconds? Your game really doesn’t give us a time to look in our shop or else we might die. Give the players reason to join discord/group, and grind the game (It doesnt have to be leaderboards, but that’d help)

I wish you the best of luck with your game, cheers


Thanks for the response, i will try to find a good spot for a leaderboard. About the point number 3, there is a shop with better throwables. You can purchase them by getting coins, the currency. They not only are cooler looking, they also provide more force. I’m not sure i want to call the game a simulator, it really isnt one, and i dont want it to be one. Its like if Sharkbite were to call their game a simulator, “Throwing Simulator” just sounds like another generic click to get better type game. I may also add the group thing you are talking about

Thanks, ive got a portfolio on talent hub if that is what you mean, and ive made several really cool (in my opinion) tech demos/games which are linked there, like an infinite building game, that saves everything globally. And also just lots of other games.

About making a social media presence, it just seems even more difficult getting a popular youtube channel, than making a popular game, at least for me as a game dev.

Ive tried asking multiple smaller and larger roblox youtubers to play my game, but i havent had any luck.