Game stopped being recommended for no apparent reason

Our game suddenly stopped being recommended and I’m trying to figure out why this happened.

Around 3:40 AM, the game stopped being recommended and the CCU dropped by half in just 30 minutes.

We haven’t updated the game, its description, title, or thumbnail. Version 633 was released after the CCU drop occurred.
There were no game-breaking bugs that would cause players to leave. Session Time has remained consistent.

Benchmarks for Feb 02 updated around 22-23 hours ago from the time of this post, but Benchmarks for Feb 03 have not updated yet. I’ve noticed in the past that our game’s CCU starts to drop a few minutes after the benchmarks are updated.

I have absolutely no idea why this might have happened. If anyone else has experienced something similar, please share what caused it and what you did to get your game recommended again.

Game: [NEW SEASON 2🦑] Squid Match - Roblox


Honestly I do know the reason if u ever saw games in recommended they are not there for more then like a month at max adopt me is something else because it has a high amount of players.

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Yep, you’re not the only one who’s been affected… This affected many of mine and my friends’ games. I’m assuming there was some major algorithm change that resulted in hundreds of games losing impressions within a short space of time.


Same here. A few of the games I have, all have a sharp drop…


Same thing is happening to me. Can’t figure out why



Literally happened again to one of my games (it also experienced a large drop in impressions before but recovered shortly after)

What is going on with the algorithm right now?


I’m having the exact same problem. I thought it was just my game. It usually has 15 - 30 players, but all day it’s been at 0 - 4, which is weird because the Unique User Qualified Play Through Rate (Recommendations) hasn’t changed. My game went dead at the same time as you, last night after 3:00am.
I think there is an outage only for some countries, as the website didn’t go down for me at all like some people are reporting. I haven’t really played any games, was just curious why I had 0 to 4 CCU all of a sudden. It still hasn’t recovered tbh.


I think I might have found a possible reason for the sudden CCU drop. It looks like our game’s benchmarks are now comparing it to games that are similar, rather than games within the same genre

UPD: I just checked another one of my games, and its benchmarks are still comparing it to games within the same genre

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