Game Subtitles

This idea just popped into my head as I was reading through this thread about the new Games page. What if each game had a subtitle that could be used to describe new changes or updates? Right now front page games rely on constantly changing their names to let users know about changes.

Once Name and Subtitle are separate, we could add a limit that you can only change your game’s name once every ___ days, to encourage users to keep their games identifiable. This would reduce the number of deceptive games on the front page and encourage users not to reuse game slots as often as they do now.

Here’s one idea for how the subtitle might look:

On the games page:

On the new games page:

(The subtitle doesn’t necessarily need to be visible on the Games page)

EDIT: Just noticed that Paul2448 posted this idea a few minutes before me here

well if we are concerned whether or not paul was first
