I had started making more and more rendered GFX thumbnails, images, etc, and I am now going to replace all of my old studio image thumbnails with nicer, cooler rendered thumbnails. I would like feedback on my rendered GFX so far.
Maybe add stuff to the people: Hats, other faces, or face accessories (Glasses, masks etc)
The 4th image is good, but the others look weird, just the people are bland.
3rd image the shadows are weird. The person on the left, has a shadow going left. So they should all have shadows going left. If there are 3 lights, all going in different directions, its still weird because is none of the light shadowing? It looks like there is 3 lights but the shadows are messed up. Can I see an image of the light above?
In blender, I actually added lots of light sources, so I would figure that’s why there are shadows leading everywhere. Plus, I rendered this on Eevee, which isn’t the best rendering quality.