Game timers are 2x longer

Our game runs off of a terminal capture system very similar to battlefield. Each terminal takes 3 minutes to capture and the total game lasts for 45 minutes. If opfor captures all terminals, they win; if blufor protects the last terminal to 45 minutes then they win.

There is a timer displayed at the top of the screen with four diamonds; the diamonds depict the terminal status, and the timer is the total time of the game counting down.

We are having an issue; the timer counts down normally during regular visits, but when we have 20/30 people on the game the timer slows down; we estimate that at 45 minutes, it actually lasted 1 hour 30 minutes; making each second about two seconds long.

I was wondering if anyone knows what might be causing this, and maybe know a solution; i imagine a lot of people deal with something like this in their games; but we are completely stumped.


We can’t help without seeing any code. Chances are, you’re doing something like relying on wait(1) being exactly 1 second instead of using the deltaTime (the time it actually spent waiting) that it returns.