Game title and description left in inconsistent changing state

There is a bug where the title and description of a place are different on different webpages.

This is what Adopt Me’s title and description looks like to our players:

However, when I try to edit this description, this is what I see (note that this was the title and description from last week that we’ve since replaced):

As you can see they’re different, and when I change a setting such as the Max Player Count and hit save, it reverts our title and description to the previous one.


I think it might have something to do with group games—this happened to me once however it hasn’t happened again.


I believe you’re editing the place rather than the game because it shows the new title when joining your game.


Is your game translated by any chance? If it is, make sure that the translator updated the title.



It appears that the Game title is correct, and the Place title is not, even though I used the Configure Place option.

Also Games don’t have descriptions, but the inconsistency shows up for descriptions too


It is translated, but neither of the two inconsistent titles/descriptions show translated text. We haven’t modified our translated title/description in around 5 months


This happened to me in the past hour. I am not sure how this has happened. All I know is that my game is in a group.

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@NewFissy it seems like the issue you described was caused by updates partially succeeding and partially failing. Like, strings were updated but not max player count. We made a change that should handle this particular case. Could you please me know, if you still have this problem?

Im still having this problem and this post is 2 years old.