[game] Underneath the Ground

Found this little game created by TheCoderBunny (aka JoshtheLego)

External Media

Most of the game is about finding the teleporter code that’s scattered about the level. This code is color-coded so sorry if you happen to be colorblind.

UI design was probably the most impressive part of the game. I felt that overall the narrative was lacking. The enviroments looked pretty neat, but didn’t seem to have an correlation with one-another.

Some of my personal gripes:
You have a “Clue list” UI that essentially lets you type whatever you want and save it for later. Naturally this is good for recording the color codes that you find for the teleporter.

However, as the game progresses, there are portions of the environment that kill you if you arent careful. When you die, anything you had in the Clue UI is gone as well.

I wasnt sure if this was supposed to be scarier than it really was. I felt like more could’ve been added to set the mood.
I also found myself trying to interact with various props, but only to find that nothing would respond.

Nonetheless it’s an interesting game for you all to check out.

Cool game; I couldn’t figure out the second code.

Interesting place. I’m still struggling on the last level though ;_;

EDIT: Aha! me and woot3 figured it out together.

I like the game, but it doesn’t have much replayability though.

Solved it for both of us :smiley:

Thanks for the compliments everybody! I’m surprised it’s still liked, since it hasn’t been updated in over a year. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I totally agree with the re-playability issue, after I finished making it I quickly realized how it was probably never going to make it too far for numerous reasons, the first being that most people on average spend no more than 15 minutes, then never come back.

I actually released that game right after the new lighting system came out, so I had a blast with that.

I have often thought about working on it again, but because it’s a one-time adventure/puzzle game it just doesn’t have much demand, so that’s why I’m working on a totally new game. :slight_smile:


On level 3, it says “It starts down here”, and I touched the yellow thing right under it, and then I crashed :frowning:

Hmm, that’s odd, because I’m quite sure there isn’t any scripts located near there. lol

Maybe it was my computer

That or the Beast found you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very clever way of hiding the last 3 digits of the final level.

All of JoshTheLego’s stuff is cool. I miss “Who’s There”.
Used to play it with a friend of mine like, a lot

Are you supposed to be able to walk outside the map on stage 4

Also I can’t figure it out. I counted the cans but that didn’t get me anywhere.

[quote] Are you supposed to be able to walk outside the map on stage 4

Also I can’t figure it out. I counted the cans but that didn’t get me anywhere. [/quote]

cans have nothing to do with it :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] Are you supposed to be able to walk outside the map on stage 4

Also I can’t figure it out. I counted the cans but that didn’t get me anywhere. [/quote]

cans have nothing to do with it :P[/quote]

I assumed the 6 stacked cans and the one tipped over white one represented something; nope

“LAST 3” I assumed referred to the last 3 eggs left by the beast. But the eggs don’t offer much help.

I mashed both codes together, filling out the whites, but that didn’t get me anywhere.

Tried making the last 3 colors green, seeing as the beast couldn’t see green and that could be seen as a “lie”

the bit where it says “Last 3” is continued on to the next rock, the full message is “last 3 lie.” One of them isn’t lying, but the clue to the last 3 is somewhere else in the level.

Is it outside the map? Is it the egg?

Do I have to figure something out?

no, no, not really. It’s really more of an epiphany when you realize the significance of it.

I got nothing. I even tried incorporating the old codes from old levels long ago, but it doesn’t work.

Is it something ■■■■■■■■ like I literally have to get to a panel which reads out the last 3 digits? Do I have to piece stuff together? Lights?

Is it the lights that seem to have no source?

I got nothing. I even tried incorporating the old codes from old levels long ago, but it doesn’t work.

Is it something ■■■■■■■■ like I literally have to get to a panel which reads out the last 3 digits? Do I have to piece stuff together? Lights?

Is it the lights that seem to have no source?[/quote]

The message at the end tells you the colours. The last three.