Giants' Hollow Updates

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Welcome to Giants’ Hollow, an open-world game of coastal horror!

In open access, all items are unlocked. Find them in your base room—let me know what you think in the group!

The NPCs are all powered by AI—feel free to RP with them, or ask if you have questions!

How teams work:

The Foundation—the blue team, members of the SCP. These are the “good” guys.

The Fracture—the yellow team, renegades who can fight against the Foundation, and each other!

The Fringe—the gray team, neutral, the can neither attack nor be attacked by the others.

Beware: one player called, “The Vandal,” can attack (and be attacked by) -anyone- so keep on the lookout!

:hammer: View updates and the roadmap! Giants' Hollow Updates

:busts_in_silhouette: Join the group! GhostTram - Roblox

:loud_sound: Hit the favorite/follow button to be notified of updates!


3D models by: Synty Studios, @TheShipArchitect, @Headpets, @Reverse_Polarity, @JohnDrinkin, @Scylen, @RosariaDev, @Spiraxy, @Rookstun, @saywhoom, @chennyDev, @Muemby

Music by: TeknoAxe, Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio



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