Game was given a warning, how can I change it?

Hello! I recently received a warning on my game “Children Slapping Experience” for being inappropriate but I wanted to keep the game without completely changing it. I originally meant this game to not be taken seriously, and all it really is is just using sticks to launch smaller avatars into the air off of a baseplate. I am unsure whether the title or the game’s mechanic was inappropriate, so I would appreciate any feedback. Would it be possible for me to replace the title of the game for something else less aggressive?

definitely the title. I mean, before reading the description of the game I would’ve probably checked out the game or given a warning if i was a mod.

try changing it to something less aggressive.

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I will now try to change it to something less aggressive. Do you think I should change the entire title or just a part of it? Like the “children” or “slapping” part.

No. Just no. I have no idea how you thought this was ok on roblox. You need to change the entire concept if you want to even stay on roblox, you could possibly get terminated.


I now realize the game, at least the title, was very inappropriate. I really want to stress the fact that the humanoids do not have to resemble children, I feel like I could just call them minions + change the “slapping” to “wacking” and the game wouldn’t seem as bad as it is now (at least to me). Do you think changing the entire game is the only way? I could also make the avatars look more evil and resemble humans less.

Do you really need an explanation to why this was warned


i would say change it to slap tiny people


you can slap anything

but children… since Roblox has some rules about child abuse, that’s why they warned

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No, I am asking if the title can be changed for the game to be more appropriate.

Would possibly be better but the reason you were warned was clear child abuse in the title. You gotta think about this stuff on roblox and how roblox would react.