Game wrongfully deleted for suicide

Our game - “Dismental” was wrongfully content deleted for “suicide and self harm”. We didn’t have anything EVEN closely related to suicide. For in-game content, you can see the footage from our social media. This is not a first time roblox deletes our games without any explanation and we don’t know what to do at this point. What can we do to get our game back? Looking at currently popular trending games, I suppose we have to add gambling and suggestive thumbnails while keeping the game accesible for children.. I haven’t messaged roblox support yet knowing that I will get absolutely awful and unrelated responses, so I’m asking for advice on how to bring our game back.


Tik Tok:




For everyone who is too lazy to check social media:


just uhh appeal? what other options do you have, stalking down a roblox admin in-game and asking them?

We did send an appeal after roblox ticket form wasnt working for 3 hours. But I still doubt that will do anything.

They really need to renovate the appeals process. It’s so bad to the point where you can’t send an appeal when logged into a banned account. Not to mention stuff like this happening, and it being unclear/impossible on how to appeal devforum messages. There’s also a limit to how much you can send, so you can’t even appeal for multiple things and might end up forgetting to appeal them later.

What other options do you really have? It’s impossible to get a game back up without contacting Roblox directly. Maybe reupload it since it doesn’t break the rules.

It was giving the rate limit error for a while until it finally sent it. Group holder account is also currently banned (for an unrelated reason). Even though we sent the appeal from the account that recieved content deletion notice, I think we will get told to send this appeal from group owner’s account.

It will probably get content deleted again, we are losing our players due to that. We had 40 active users ingame when it got content deleted.

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Just wait for the appeal, it didn’t break the rule that the ban stated it did.

thats odd, the long drive remake games allow the player to actually do this with weapons, crazy that roblox went after your game…

The first thing to do is to reflect on the warning and comprehend why it was taken down instead of needing to add other features that you mentioned because not only does it waste precious time, but also would go through the same cycle.

Roblox experiences that are related to gore, specifically for these types of Russian roulette games can lead to content deletion if the genre and age are not defined correctly. For instance: if there’s a game that contains blood and it is set to all ages, you can see that not every player may find it comfortable, and yes, sensitive… A suggestion would be changing the submission of the experience questionnaire while following strictly the Roblox Community Standards.

Hopefully, that can help you out.

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As we expected, roblox just went with “Correctly moderated” response. After our attempts to clarify what exactly broke the rules, they politely told us to f**k off. I don’t think there is even a chance of bringing the game back using customer support.

I don’t want to complain, but they actually treat people like s**t.

EDIT: We even attached links to video evidence, they obviously don’t care.

How in the world is this related to suicide? Does it have any references to suicide in-game? Submit another appeal about it and try to ask where this content is located so you can remove it.

Theres absolutely no reference to suicide. The closest thing is having a similar map design to some russian roulette games, such as sentience/sentinel, but I don’t think that’s the reason. The assets used in the game aren’t stolen from them either.

We have asked that in our ticket, and they said that “moderation action won’t be adjusted due to severity of violation”. We won’t be able to move any further without contacting an actual employee at this point.

Yes, submit another. I’ve seen people submit more than one appeal and ask stuff.

This is always the 2nd moderation message if they don’t care to look into it further after the first.

We will continue trying to appeal it, as this game was supposed to pay for our education. I hope we won’t have to switch to another platform.

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It does look like it’s probably a mistake, but it’s not crazy that a roulette game with guns would be assumed to be russian roulette (so, suicide-related). The content is pretty closely related to suicide because of the associated themes and similar games.
Not to mention the game looks very graphic from the videos I’ve seen. Because of that I’d assume the game was 17+?

I say continue the appeals, but if that fails then you could make changes to the game to have it removed more from the associated suicide themes and possibly then reupload it.

I made a model called “barracks” which just had a brick building. It was moderated, and then I appealed. I asked how it broke the rules. They responded by saying it did. Then, I asked again and was told they can’t help me any further.

I can agree that this game looks similar to russian roulette games and it was partly inspired by thier stylem, however I don’t see a single reason it should be moderated because of that. The game was rated 13+ which is correct in my opinion.

Support likes to do this alot. Next time, submit another appeal and if that doesn’t work you’re probably cooked.

It was over a month ago, and I didn’t super care so I just dropped out.

It seems like the map was causing the game to get deleted. I don’t know how anyone could associate it with suicide, that’s ridiculous. The game no longer gets content deleted with a new map, however we lost tons of players because of roblox moderation and roblox support incompetence.