game:BindToClose() is not working?

You are free to try Heroku since you don’t need to save any local data.

And be sure for ‘glitch’, ensure your ‘free app’ is super simple. Any attempts to keep it alive 24/7 will reduce your app’s ability to load quickly. Consider tutorials like Roblox Scripting Tutorial: How to Script a Group Ranking Bot - YouTube

But regardless, free will be rough.

As for the overall of this entire topic, game:BindToClose is operating as intended, you have up to 30 seconds to do your tasks otherwise, it will halt and finish.

I followed that tutorial and it’s what got me here.

Also, do you have a tutorial on how to make Heroku rank players? I can’t seem to find out how.

Everywhere you can use the same code as you have on glitch. Just some platforms have different ways to deploy it.

I can’t understand how to “deploy” it.

There are few ways of doing it.
The most popular (and recommended) is deploying using git or Github

Hey, can you give us the whole code so we can inspect the whole thing. Not just a little bit because, there might be an other error not appearing and causing this to not work.

I did give the whole code, it is in the replies to this topic.