I am attempting to make something like this. I have used AssetService:CreatePlaceAsync but the error “Game:CreatePlace recieved and error: HTTP 403 (TemplatePlaceCannotBeCopied)” Comes up. How would I go about this? Is there any better way of doing it?
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local CreateNewPlace = game:GetService("AssetService"):CreatePlaceAsync("New Server",8001144020,"Sever Description")
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Servers")
game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportPartyAsync(CreateNewPlace, {player})
Adding to that I have found the PlaceAsync becoming less reliable so I have used custom made datastores instead. Making a custom system is harder, but will be worth it in the long run. Saving only necessary objects instead of the whole game state takes significantly less performance and won’t hang the server.