Gamepad scrolling breaks with clipsdescendants?

robloxapp-20230915-1727135.wmv (2.6 MB)

It seems that I cannot properly scroll through this scrolling frame using the gamepad when clipsdescendants is enabled (at all), Even though scrolling works perfectly fine using a mouse either dragging, or scrolling with the scrollwheel.

I suspect this is because of the nested layout of the ui.

This behavior also seems to effect uipagelayout.

robloxapp-20230915-1737400.wmv (857.0 KB)

Expected behavior

I would expect the scrolling to continue down to the bottom using a gamepad, regardless of the way the ui is parented within it, or if clipsdescendants is being used.

This is an irritating bug, as I only happened to find out about it after everything was coded in for pc and mobile, and nearly every ui I have in the game uses this layout. Changing the layout, or accounting for a bugged clipsdescendants, is going to take a lot more work than I was hoping for gamepad implementation.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

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Hi there! I think I might’ve fixed this with this report Gamepad UI navigation doesn't work within ScrollingFrames until items in frame are first visible. Can you confirm that this is still an issue and if so provide a repro file?

Nevermind, reproduced. I’m taking a look.

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Thanks for the report! I’ve taken a look and it looks like you’ve toggled SelectionGroup on your scrolling frame to false. Although this can be fixed, I highly recommend toggling that back to true because setting SelectionGroup = false on scrolling frames will allow buttons outside of the scrolling frame to be prioritized before internal buttons. E.g. if you put some UI right below your scrolling frame, it might select that before scrolling. This will also fix the issues with ClipsDescendants.

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