This game pass board is not prompting me to the game pass like its suppose to…
If anyone can give me a quick hand thanks! if you need more info let me know…
This game pass board is not prompting me to the game pass like its suppose to…
If anyone can give me a quick hand thanks! if you need more info let me know…
The function to prompt purchase is:
game:GetService(“MarketplaceService”): PromptGamePassPurchase(Player Object, gamepassID)
That’s not exactly the problem its hard to explain on how this works it displays the game pass description and title automatically to a board which allows you to click purchase.
Oh okay, remove the -1’s and in the line where it says gamepasses[i+1] and decals[i+1] remove the +1 from it.
Broke it even more doing that
I can see there is no detection on press
You need to make a local script which detects on press.
Please paste the script here so I can edit it.
Thats an old script, if its a local script then change the function to PromptGamePassPurchase as I said earlier.
Do you just want a copy of the entire model so you can see the other parts of the GUIs and how its all activated?
Is this script a local script or not.
first 1 is just a script the one i just sent is local
Okay then I just said change the function from marketplaceservice:promptpurchase to marketplaceservice:PromptGamePassPurchase
alright now heres next thing why wont it show the correct description and title like its suppose to?
Any error or something? If so tell.
nope there is no errors at all…
Would you mind if you gave me the gamepass link.
thats the demo gamepass i’m using to test and yeah i updated it into the script
This dosent have any description.
yea but the title isn’t working either
You have to specify the InfoType
parameter of GetProductInfo()
when inputting game passes since they are referenced by a unique game pass ID rather than an asset ID.
game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(2610018, Enum.InfoType.GamePass)