Gamepass bundles

Gamepass offers
What are gamepass offers? - Gamepass offers will be a new section above where the current gamepasses are (Image below) - Allow developers to create bundles/offers. This is for many reasons, users then will be able to create “Starterpacks” - Which include a lot more items such as two or three gamepasses.

Current issue with gamepasses and not having a bundle option

  • As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to …
    While they are no major / game-breaking issues with how the gamepass system works now, it is currently too much work and time for us developers to include special deals in the game, using a dev product having to do more coding than what would be necessary when if it’s just on the game store the user will be able to prompt the user the purchase in the game and it will just grant the user the gamepasses which are in the bundle. And unlike dev products, these bundles will be shown on the game page and not just in-game allowing more purchases and more users to be able to see the deals / offers the creators of that game are offering.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because it would let us developers create better offers for our players within our game, allowing us to have exclusive deals making bundles and limited time offers which could and will most likely increase sales for us developers having bundles within the gamepass options. Let’s say a player has 300 Robux and wants to buy a two gamepasses but only has enough for two, if they are a bundle with both of them gamepasses in the developer will then gain more profit as they would most likely end up buying them both at that time for a discounted price. Overall it would create a better experience for developers and players, giving both a good feature to take advantage of. Let’s say they is a Christmas sale, they can have a “Present Bundle” Where it includes 2-3 gamepasses at a discounted price for a limited time. this would hint the user towards buying more gamepasses at that time because it’s a discount (And who doesn’t love discounts)

Why is this a good thing, won’t we lose profit?
It depends on the way you look at things if a user is already planning to buy both gamepasses at the original price then yes. But if a user only has enough for one gamepass and has a couple hundred left over then they might have enough to purchase it as a bundle meaning you will then gain an extra sale, gaining more profit. This could also be used for seasonal sales such as an easter sale, allowing users to create promotional bundles to increase sales at one given point while also giving their community a way to save Robux and still get the gamepasses they want.

How many items should be in a bundle?
In my opinion, I think they should be a minimum of 2 items to create a bundle but then a maximum of 3 items within a bundle. Along with this allows developers to enable a “Buy all” bundle which will allow users to buy all the gamepasses at a discounted price (Developers will pick the amount of Robuxs the user saves / the percentage of the savings)

How would this work?
This would work the same how configuring a gamepass works, but instead your configuring a bundle.
This would allow users to select up to three gamepasses like stated above or enable it as a “Buy all” Bundle. The description would be a set description (Not editable) Which states what the bundle includes - “Includes; - Gamepass name , - Gamepass name ” Allow users to then enter a price of how much they want to sell the bundle for (Maximum price will be maximum price of all gamepasses put together, minimum price will be the price of the cheapest gamepass in the bundle - incase a user wants to do a buy one get one free offer.) Roblox will then calculate the price difference of how much the bundle will cost overall and then show on the “Store” section on the games page how much Robuxs they’ll be saving by buying the gamepasses as a bundle.


Would you like to see this feature get added?
  • Yes
  • No
  • With a few changes

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I still really want this. I think developers should be given more tools to monetize their games like on other platforms, and Gamepass bundles will definitely help with that. Bundling similar gamepasses at a discount would be a win-win for both players and developers, saving Robux for players and giving developers more profit. Enticing players that otherwise would’ve only bought one gamepass to buy multiple in a bundle.


bump, I think this would be a great addition to the platform

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Amazing Idea. They just need to add this right now.

I like this idea. That would be a win-win for both players and developers

Love this idea! We also need like real gamepass gifting so we don’t have to make our own gifting system :pray: