Gamepass button error

So I have a tycoon, and I have a gamepass button for 2x money:


When you touch it, on screen should appear gamepass, but it doesn’t, here is what appears:


But, I puted gamepass to 200 rbx:

But still it isn’t working…

Btw here is the script:

local Settings = require(script.Parent.Settings)
local Tycoon = script.Parent.Tycoons:GetChildren()[1]
script.Parent = game.ServerScriptService
local DevProducts = {}
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService('MarketplaceService')

for i,v in pairs(Tycoon:WaitForChild('Buttons'):GetChildren()) do
	if v:FindFirstChild('DevProduct') then
		if v.DevProduct.Value > 0 then
			DevProducts[v.DevProduct.Value] = v -- the button

MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo)
	for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if plr.userId == receiptInfo.PlayerId then
			if DevProducts[receiptInfo.ProductId] then
				local obj = DevProducts[receiptInfo.ProductId]
				local PlrT = game.ServerStorage.PlayerMoney:WaitForChild(plr.Name).OwnsTycoon
				if PlrT.Value ~= nil then
					--if PlrT.Value.PurchasedObjects:FindFirstChild(obj.Object.Value) == false then
						local PlayerStats = game.ServerStorage.PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
						Create({[1] = 0,[2] = obj,[3] = PlayerStats}, PlrT.Value.BuyObject)

function Create(tab, prnt)
	local x ='Model')'NumberValue',x).Value = tab[1]
	x.Value.Name = "Cost"'ObjectValue',x).Value = tab[2]
	x.Value.Name = "Button"
	local Obj ='ObjectValue',x)
	Obj.Name = "Stats"
	Obj.Value = tab[3]
	x.Parent = prnt

If you know what is problem, I would appreciate your help.

This probably has something to do with how you prompt the purchase window.
But you didn’t send that part of the script.

I am a bit confused. You said that you made and put on sale a gamepass but in your code your dealing with DevProducts?

My guess is that you don’t know what the difference between a DevProduct is and what a gamepass is causing you to create a gamepass rather then a DevProduct (a gamepass is more of a one purchase only item but DevProducts are where you can buy them more then once.)

Although looking at the code there is no where you prompt the purchase like what @bnxDJ said. Mind sending this code and the “gamepass” ID?

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Oh, I see now, but then how I can make it to be gamepass and not devproduct?

You would use the PromptGamePassPurcase (MarketplaceService | Roblox Creator Documentation) to prompt a purchase and I think you should be able to use either PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished event to detect when the user purchases the gamepass or you could manually check with the method UserOwnsGamePassAsync

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