Gamepass icon critique needed

I finished my new gamepass icons today. They are definitely a big upgrade from my previous designs. Any suggestions for little changes would be appreciated, thanks!


They actually look beautiful to be honest! I think what would make it better was if you didn’t add text. The symbol should be iconic so that the player can understand what the gamepass is about without text!


Sure, I’ll definitely see how they look without text. Thanks for the suggestion! :smiley:

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They look really good in my opinion! I don’t see anything that’d need to be changed, apart from trying to maybe change the name colorizer’s background into a rainbow one. It breaks the consistency of matching the icon’s color to the background’s color. But it might look worse, so only an idea :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good idea, I’ll go try that real quick and edit this when I’m done!

Edit: Personally I don’t think it looks as good, but that may just be me. Making a rainbow gradient on was a bit more difficult than I thought haha.

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Hmm, personally, both versions look just fine to me, but maybe this rainbow version breaks the consistency even more. Doesn’t look bad, though. Just go with whatever one looks better to you, there’s no bad option :smile:

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Thanks for your input! I’ll ask a few people which they prefer. :smiley: