Gamepass icon feedback

These are some gamepass icons I made for my British Army games, are there any improvements I could make?

Any feedback would be appreciated!


They look pretty good! They communicate what they give you really well, whilst keeping a relatively simple look.

The only thing I could say is they don’t exactly give off “British Army” vibes, stylistically, but that could just be me. Something grittier would have probably given off an army feeling more, but these look good regardless!

I would agree with you it is very nice! But again it does not feel like British army vibes not a army game it’s more bright overall very nice

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These gamepass icons look great! They do their job very well, and are cool! Nice job on all of these! How long did it take to create all of these gamepass items? What is the game they will be used in?

He already said they will be used in a British army game

Thanks! It didn’t take too long, I made 1 of them then used it for all the passes.

Alright thanks! I will try to make them give more of an army feel.

Gamepass icons are typically presented at a much smaller resolution than devs get to work on it at.

From what I see with the images above, it shows you are clearly capable in working with whatever image graphics environment you are using.

I don’t have any specific pointers for the images themselves, but I do believe that changing the way you work on them will help get you better answers and tackle designing icons on a more fundamental level.

Here’s my suggestion:

As you work on your gamepass icons, regularly shrink them in your viewer to match the same size that Roblox displays the icons in common areas of the platform or your game, such as the store below the game’s page, or the shop UI in your games, and evaluate it at that size.
Create mockup images where you place the icon in your Shop’s UI or other roblox areas, and pay attention to how you are responding to it compared to its surrounding environment.
Doing this will allow you to scrutinise the image in the same way that a user would get to see it, and should enable you to ask the right questions, such as:

  • ‘Why isn’t the text popping out when it’s small?’
  • ‘I can’t really see the item well in the icon’ or
  • ‘The icon isn’t standing out over the shop UI that it’s in’

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I will go and see how it looks in my shop UI and store page now!

about me it’s need some effect like more effect in the background and try take some idea from my gamepasses icons

and also it’s fine if some icons not perfectly circle roblox will fix it automaticly

Thank you! I will make sure to add more effects in the future :slight_smile:

Bandages look a bit like a can of soda. may want to have a bit of bandage sticking out. also the text gradient have a white part that blends into the white part of bandage

Rainbow Name, the lower part of ‘Name’ may not be clear in the dark background

the Shield may look a bit like a cellphone or battery from a far. maybe okay the ‘Shield’ text is clear

You may want to adjust the text gradient in general, or add the stroke like the Shield and MP5 are having.

also as Crazyblox mentioned, view them as the size as you will see on mobile page and on app. it will be very different

Thank you, I’ll look at changing the bandages lol, I was thinking that with the Rainbow name, I’ll look at making it a bit lighter. I’ll add a few extra details to the shield, to make it look more like a shield. I only just realised the MP5 and shield have a stroke, I’ll add them to the others now. And again, thank you!

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