Gamepass not for sale! please help

its says my gamepass is not for sale but i put it on for sale.


Did you just make it now? If so, you must wait some time until Roblox moderate and approve your gamepass.

no ive waited for a few months now

Hmmm, that’s weird. Have you tried contacting Roblox support?

no but ill try that, it may not work thoe

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Are you sure the ID you put in is correct, and are you using game:GetService("MarketPlaceService"):PromptGamePassPurchase() to prompt the purchase?

no the gamepass is on the zeds tycoon kit were the test gamepass is and i put the id in correctly but it still doesn’t work

Did you put your game pass on sale?

You may have made it, but you need to make sure it can be sold.

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Can you post the code where that is?

yea here is the link: test gamepass upgrader - Roblox

You responded to LegendOJ’s question saying you are using zed’s kit, but that didn’t answer if you used PromptGamePassPurchase(). Are you sure it is that and not PromptProductPurchase()?

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here is the gamepass:
here is the id: 9433648
and its on zedz tycoon kit: Desktop 2020-07-27 3-26-56 PM-898

i don’t know all i know is that i put the id in the gamepass thing in the model and when i test it, it just says its not for sale even thoe it is

That is probably your problem, make sure inside the script, you change PromptProductPurchase() to PromptGamePassPurchase() I feel the kit is old and doesn’t use the up to date version of prompting a game pass purchase.

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Are you sure you’re using the right ID?

This is where 9433648 goes to:

wth uhh wait hold up thats weird

both are the same exact numbers

Maybe check its configure page to see if it shows you the catalog id for it?

yea its the same id but different gamepasses

is there a way to change the id?