The thumbnail on the purchase prompt does not update when PromptGamePassPurchase was used. If no previous purchase was prompted, it’s blank; If I previously prompted a product purchase, it still shows the thumbnail of that product.
“Premium hoverboard” is a gamepass on my game, this is the result for prompting to purchase it after prompting for another dev product, “5 points”, as it can be seen in the thumbnail.
Reproduce: Use MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase before and after prompting for a developer product purchase to view the different scenarios.
I’m having a very similar issue in my game. The thumbnail is completely invisible and instead of saying “Game pass” it says “product”. Whenever I prompt the user (using PromptGamePassPurchase) in a test server or the live game to buy the pass, it gives me this:
Here’s the url to the “non-existant gamepass”: dopnt use - Roblox
Whenever you do buy this, it doesn’t fire the PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished event that I have connected 2 times on the server side (neither of the 2 fire). In play solo mode, it works perfectly fine.
Also, PlayerHasPass doesn’t detect that the player has the pass…