Gamepass purchaser says "this item is not currently for sale"

When I try to buy a gamepass, It says “this item is not currently for sale”
I also tried with alt. but its not working

	local ItemID = 243022135 
	local MarketplaceService = game.MarketplaceService
	MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(game.Players.LocalPlayer, ItemID)


Use MarketplaceService.PromptGamePassPurchase instead


Then the roblox purchase button is not even appearing

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you can’t use PromptPurchase on gamepasses (you can only use it on dev products), show the updated code

have you even verified if that gamepass has sell enabled on the dev portal?

I also changed it for dev product, but it still happens

He is right, have you checked if it is actually for sale?

It should be not for sale. Check if it’s for sale.

there are no any setting for make it onsale dev product

U already put a price, which is 80 robux. Hit " Save Changes " and try purchasing the devproduct in ur game, it should work!

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	local ItemID = 1625492885 
	local MarketplaceService = game.MarketplaceService
	MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(game.Players.LocalPlayer, ItemID)

It still says “This item is not currently for sale”

That’s weird. It’s probably your script that doesn’t work, tho I think it should work.

Let me test your script and see if it’ll work or not.

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I changed “PromptPurchase” to “PromptProductPurchase” and it works now . Thanks for help

Yea right

and Your very welcome!

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