Gamepass Purchases don't register on the Backend


I wanted to report a bug that has been damaging “PLS DONATE” heavily as donations are not registering.

Here is a Console GIF that shows that there were several donations that went through before it stopped working:
This made me realize that it is not our fault & it’s a pure Roblox issue as there was no Error Message in the Console. Upon further investigation, I checked if I actually own the gamepass, which I did on the frontend:

However, checking the backend API, I came to realize that Roblox does not register the gamepass as owned:

This causes the donations in-game not to appear and causes a huge inconvenience with hundreds of stats adjustment requests, especially unfortunate when we had multiple cases with 100,000 Robux donations and even a 1,000,000 donation. I hope this will be urgently fixed.

Thank you in advance,


Hopefully this gets resolved soon :pray:


Good day! Thank you for reporting the issue!

  1. I believe the reason your call returns false on the backend is because you need to set the item type in the request to gamepass not game-pass.
  1. It also looks like you purchased the gamepass 881762060 a single time and the other purchases in your screenshot account for different products. Please let us know if this is not the case.

Hope this helps and don’t hesitate to reach out if I misunderstood something or you encounter more issues :slight_smile:


I assumed that the backend API was the issue but it seems like it is something else. How come the gamepass purchase of 881762060 does not show up in-game? Other games such as Da Hood are experiencing the same issues.

Thank you for your response on the Inventory API though!

Thanks for the response!

To make sure I understand, the issue is that your callback to PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished isn’t being executed after a successful purchase?

Could you please provide more details about (1) how you use PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished, (2) when did you first noticed this issue, and (3) how often does it occur (consistently, frequently, occasionally, rarely)?

On our end, I will say that I do see your successful purchase of 881762060, and anecdotally in test experiences I do see callbacks to PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished are executed with wasPurchased=True. Hope this helps!

PLS DONATE has sophisticated purchase handling logic that each donation goes through in order to verify that the donation did in fact take place and wasn’t spoofed by the donator/receiver as an attempt to gain fake stats (presuming you know this). The fact that you’re not a PD developer with access to the game’s scripts, but rather an admin, puts you in a quite difficult position when trying to resolve this bug.

My assumption is that some part of PD’s donation verification logic is failing somewhere, and the issue isn’t actually what you described where Roblox isn’t notifying the server of the purchase. Excuse my poor explanation here, but TL;DR is just because you don’t see a donation going through in PLS DONATE doesn’t mean it’s a Roblox issue— the PD donation handling system will not process donations if they don’t pass its internal checks that happen after Roblox successfully fires the MPS purchase event to the server.

To get this bug resolved, you need a PD developer (ex. false or fewkz) to add debugging to the purchase handling code and see what part of it is actually failing and preventing these donations from going through. For example, a certain security check in the code might be incorrectly triggering causing the donation to be rejected (in the purchase validation code written by PD developers, not Roblox engineers). Or the issue could be that a certain Roblox API being called to validate said purchase is returning incorrect data, leading to the purchase being flagged and rejected.

To put it simply, this issue is not as simple as it seems. Once you have the required information from devs, if it does turn out to be a Roblox issue, I suggest filing another report with the proper, detailed information and for this one to be closed.

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It was identified as a RoProxy error but thank you for your input.

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