Gamepass Revenue Disappearing Across All Groups

What’s Happening
Currently group game pass sales are being shown as unpended instantly under the sales tab yet are not being added to the group funds or to the pending sales and aren’t being shown anywhere on the summary tab.
Where It Happens
I’ve only spoken with developers with group owned games on this issue so I don’t know if this affects user owned games as well.
But so far this bug is known to occur on the group configuration page.
When It Started Happening
From talking with other developers with more frequent sales than me, the earliest transaction I’ve seen acting in this manner was conducted at Mar 12, 2020 4:25 PM EST
Screenshot from my groups Sales Log With Illustration

As you can see in the screenshot above, product sales are pending properly and are shown with a little pending icon to indicate that; game pass sales however have no pending indicator and are not being added to pending sales nor to the group fund.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to any group with game pass sales conducted after Mar 12, 2020 4:25 PM EST
  2. Go to sales tab and observe aforementioned transactions without the pending indicator
  3. Go to the summary tab and observe the revenue from these transactions not being displayed in either the pending or the group funds

Additional Notes
I’ve made great strides to check this with other developers to make sure it’s not just me and before posting this I bought a game pass from my own game, checked pending sales and group funds and they remained the same after the transaction had completed.


Getting the same issue. 80% of sales revenue just disappeared.


The issue seems to be fixed for new gamepass purchases now, but the old ones are still a problem. They are not pending, and thus we may not get the revenue from them. They need to either pend or be counted as sales.


Thanks for notifying me of this, just talked to one of my friends with frequent transactions, it appears that as of now all game pass sales after 3/13/2020 3:11 PM EST are beginning to get added to pending sales; however all sales from Mar 12, 2020 4:25 PM EST - 3/13/2020 3:11 PM EST are still not being added to pending sales and haven’t been paid out to group funds.

Our engineers are looking into this, thank you for reporting it. We’ll keep you updated.


Just wanted to add to this, it’s happening with Developer Products too.

Any updates on this? I’ve done the maths and I currently have 200k robux missing from pending sales. I find it odd that my pending sales decreased suddenly from 440-450k to 180k when the Developer Stats page of my game shows around the same revenue as in past days.


Hey, do you have any updates regarding this issue?

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It seems like this is a visual bug. The funds should be pending as intended (but not being reported correctly on the UI). You should see the pending funds start getting released today. Please reply back if this isn’t the case.


Since it’s been 73 hours since this started (1 hour more than pending sales take to process), I just ran an experiment to see if this is resolved.

I looked through my transactions, found one that un-pended in 5 minutes, waited for 7 minutes just to be sure, refreshed the page and both my summary and the Group Funds balance were both unchanged.

It looks like the funds affected by this still aren’t processing even after the 72 hour pend period.


To add on to this my developer stats say that the game has made at least 50,000 R$ but Pending Sales say only 30,000 is pending.

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Same here, just with different amounts.


Hi there, we have been working on a new game now, belonging to a group. Recently a player purchased a gamepass (apparently) and I myself some developer products, as shown in the Configure Group/Sales tab :

… Yet it does not show up in the Summary tab…

group : Anomic Studios - Roblox
game pass : SWAT - Roblox

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From my calculations, it seems that my game may have also been severely impacted by this issue. I hope it is fixed soon!