I use a script (At bottom of post) to give people with a gamepass gear in my place. When I join, I get the gear, When I used an alt and bought the pass and joined, I got the gear. When I used another alt today, bought the pass, and immediately went into the game, I got the gear. When I join as many servers as possible, I get the gear on each one.
Yet people seem to be randomly complaining about not receiving gear (Cant give more info, this being ROBLOX I just get ‘OGMz u SCAMMER NOOBZ rep0rt3d nuuubb!!!’)
I posted the script to Scripting Helpers, they couldn’t find a problem.
Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening?
local passId = 137238657
function isAuthenticated(player)
return game:GetService(“GamePassService”):PlayerHasPass(player, passId)
if isAuthenticated(player)then
tool = game.Lighting.ZombTaser:Clone()
tool.Parent = player.Backpack
When a user buys a game pass while they’re in-game, because the PlayerHasPass method caches, if they were to rejoin it’d still think they don’t own the game pass.
That’s where the problem comes along, the method shouldn’t cache yet it does. I get people complaining to me with my old game not registering that they have the game pass. I just tell them to try another server and it usually works.
local passId = 137238657
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local gpServ = game:GetService("GamePassService")
local lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local zombTaser = lighting.ZombTaser
local backpack = player.Backpack
if gpServ:PlayerHasPass(player, passId) then
local tool = zombTaser:Clone()
tool.Parent = backpack