Gamepass your purchase failed because something went wrong

local marketplace = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local debree = false
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	if debree == false then
		local sound = script.Parent.Click:Clone()
		sound.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
		print("Gamepass clicked")
		debree = true
		debree = false

Gamepass link: last name - Roblox
Gamepass prompt not working gives me error gamepads purchase failed something went wrong your account has not been charged.

I noticed that the ID of the gamepass you sent (1011212814), doesn’t match the ID of the gamepass you added in the code (13600173502). Let me know if that works!

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I tried that gamepads id and still not working.
I took the script from another game and gui. You think that could be why it only works with the other game gamepass id?

I fixed it I had to retype the marketplace code. Thanks the id helped

Never mind the script still showing the same error.

It now says this gamepass is not for sale your account has not been charged.

If it is not your gamepass, there’s not really anything you can do about it. You can ask the owner of the gamepass to reactivate it though.

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