Gamepasses & Developer Products failing to go through but still taking Robux

Users have been reporting that gamepasses and developer products are just straight up failing and leaving an error message for them but still charging them Robux

Here is an example from a user that reported it to us, they bought the item and it charged them but the gamepass is not in their inventory

Similar issue happens for dev products, it doesnt run the function to give them the stuff in game

I was told to make a new bug report for this as the issue was not fixed


Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

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Here is a screenshot another user reported today for a dev product if this helps. The error says they haven’t been charged but it clearly charges the user.

Hey, any updates regarding this?

We are still getting lots of reports for this issue, other games are also having this issue too.

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Hello, we’ve implemented several fixes to prevent cases like this from happening and expect that to be far less common moving forward. If you have a specific case which a purchase failed but having deducted Robux, please reach to our Customer Service to address it.


Thanks, we will keep an eye on it and let you know if it keeps happening.