When I make a new gamepass for my game owned by my group, Roblox says that I immediately own the gamepass by default, even though I did not ever purchase it. It says this both on the website and as returned by UserOwnsGamepassAsync. Other developers in my group do not own it. When other developers are prompted to purchase the gamepass while playtesting in studio, they are blocked from purchasing it and this warning is printed to the console:
If they are prompted to purchase it in-game, everything works as expected.
When I have other developers make the gamepass instead, I do not immediately own those. However, when I am prompted to purchase it in studio, the same message is printed to the console. When I am prompted to purchase it in-game, everything works as expected.
In short:
Gamepasses created by other group members are flagged as third party while playtesting in studio
Gamepasses created by me say that I already own them, immediately after creating them
Everything is the same vice-versa (someone else creates it, Roblox says they own it immediately, it is flagged as third party for everyone else in studio)
In-game, the gamepass creator still cannot purchase because Roblox says they already own it. For other users, they can purchase it just fine.
If I enable third party sales, I can purchase gamepasses made by other developers just fine in studio. In-game, they are purchasable regardless.
All gamepasses are created by my group, not under my user. I can verify this by seeing that it says “By Light Works Entertainment” (my group name) on the website. The game is also under that group.
Here’s the game where this happens:
Expected Behavior
I expect to create a gamepass and have Roblox not mark it as owned by me by default. I also expect to be able to playtest purchasing gamepasses in studio, for myself and other users. Gamepasses should not be flagged as third party when anyone other than the person who tried to create it tries to purchase it in studio.