Gameplay paused problem

So i were testing my local script that make player move from that position by a little bit (The server script fired an event after that hitbox touched)
but the game keep pausing. Does anyone know what is wrong?


That is because Streaming Enabled is enabled add RequestStreamAroundAsync before teleporting


How much distance exactly?

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Thank for replying but this didn’t work same thing still happened

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It is about 5 studs ahead that dummy made that hitbox
I could have used it on server but because it delayed making the game a bit hard to predict so i tried to use it on client instead. Should i even do this?

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You can disable the screen if you like by

Well the game paused is gone but this happened
It is just like when i tried to turn off streaming mode

What’s your streaming enabled values I can’t replicate this

I just keep it default i haven’t changed anything

I tried it on streaming at default and teleported the player from a local-script and moved the character 10 studs and this isn’t happening how are you teleporting the player

I used Align Position for that
Strange thing is when i used m1 and use Align position it move perfectly but when i used remote event to make player move by got hitted that just happen

Ok for some reasons it works now.
I have no idea how this thing work again i just rewrote the code and it just worked.


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