GamePlay Paused Script

I tryed to know since a long time how i can force the gameplay paused for make it loading screen, it’s not possible to turn it True with script/localscript in game:GetService(“Players”) and some servers know how to make it and i read everything about it but found nothing to force this, how i can do ? I want to repeat the gameplay paused until game:IsLoaded()

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Do you mean something like this:


or do you want to make a loading screen when the player enters?
If so do it like this:

script.Parent.Visible = true
if not game:IsLoaded() then 
script.Parent.Visible = false

yes something like this some games already did it but i dont know how and dont found anything on the subject

Use streaming enabled, turn it on.

You can enable it in Workspace.

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yea, i know but how i can make force it appear ?

im pretty sure roblox servers can only do that

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It only appears if your game needs to load the terrian. Then it appears automatically.

No, could you read this Article?
This should clarifies everything.

No way to force it appear then ? (I already read it)

No unless you make your own. This is only when you have streaming enabled on.

This ok i will remake the gui and script in, thanks! :grinning:


How to that? on the gameplay paused gui.

Just to clarify- You can’t just make that appear in your Game whenever you want. If your player can’t see the StreamingMinRadius, this will be shown and will allow the client to load the map.

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Oh alr, so you know how to make it appear?

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No, you can not control this.
But if your game has StreamingEnabled, this will appear, when the Client hasn’t load the StreamingMinRadius yet. For more information on how to Enable StreamingEnabled and the technical aspects I would encourage you to read through this Roblox Doc.

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