I’m running this:
game.Players:Chat("Test") --> no error but doesnt work
I’m running this:
game.Players:Chat("Test") --> no error but doesnt work
Where are you running this code. In the command bar or a script?
In the documentation, it specifies that it cannot be run by scripts.
I ran it in command bar
char limit
Em if you want to know then there is an another method to make the player chat.
It is a remote event that fires from client so you can just use player:FireClient and on the client fire that remote.
Would it be the remote here:
local messageRequest = game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest
Did you use roblox studio standard command bar or roblox command bar?
Yes it is agdhgajakdj. So many char
Studios command bar.
char limit
Try another command bar in roblox.
Press f9 and then press server.
I mean this one.
It errors there due to lack of permissions.
Ok now press test and change current client to current server and use your standart command bar in roblox studio.
Now it gave me the error:
No local Player to chat from
Then I guess you can use this method
Thanks. Appreciate your time. Have a good one!