Games and studio failing to load

Like I said before, this issue most likely isn’t caused by user internet, but instead caused by roblox’s servers themselves failing to process/deliver assets.

As far as I can tell, this issue most prevelant in the central to southern US from what I could infer from asking all my friends. Which points to a serverside problem.


As of now, almost ALL image assets I have aren’t loading


Should find out what states they are in and add them to this post. Happening in Florida atm, might not be whole states, idk. But here’s a temp workaround, not really great as I know VPN’s cost money

I deleted everything in C:\Users[Windows User]\AppData\Local\Temp\Roblox and as of first test, everything loaded in without fail, naturally of course it was very slow because cache files had to be recreated.

BUT, on a second test, things started to devolve.

Note the weird walking animation is NOT a custom animation, it’s the default animation that somehow got messed up

This is not a viable workaround either way because the user shouldn’t have to buy a VPN or anything just to workaround a bug.


This is awfully taking a long time to be solved which is utterly disappointing, is there any possible way where you can contact an engineer or an employee about this situation? Being unable to see my assets loaded in studio is ridiculous and shouldn’t be happening.


I’m sorry if I’m not allowed to do this, but figured I’d tag a handful of engineers as I feel this problem is a serious issue for many users @LordRugdumph @MatteBlackEverything @Kairomatic

Sorry if these are the wrong people to tag :grimacing: I just tried looking through previous Engine Bug reports to see what staff reply, but hopefully someone can at least tag an engineer who might be able to help and file a ticket for this?


For me Too, I just got this problem today and tired every solutions and it didn’t work


i have the same issue, it’s really annoying.

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I have this issue & I use ethernet, 1gig internet & low ping.

Been also experiencing the same issue for past 2 days. On Roblox client everything seems to work, it only occurs in Studio, at least for me.

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I am having the issue in California. Will try VPN/clearing cache. I don’t seem to have this issue on my MacBook and it’s on the same network as my Grapejuice host and my Windows VM. Honestly, it is a bit disappointing that users and developers have to use these types of workarounds just to enjoy the game, without any acknowledgement from the engineering team.

This is getting desperate, someone needs to personally message a staff member or something because just tagging them and hoping they notice is proving fruitless.

I can’t work at all at this point and I’m just wasting time

sorry for the mention spam but PLEASE
Can you help us!? Or are we all just being ignored?


Same issue, I also had it ingame. Restarting my pc fixed my issues in games, studio still experiences these bugs

The assetdelivery API appears to be really struggling right now.

I dont know if this is correlated to a crashing issue i’ve been experiencing recently, but can confirm this is definitely happening all through out Roblox

I live in the UK and have been having this issue for multiple days now.

Multiple endpoints are returning empty request packets as seen here:

(There’s no data here, just a HTTP response)

also roblox nuked, why are they still making requests to it unless that error is outdated.


i’m in the UK too, do you happen to be on virgin media??

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I don’t think it has anything to do with internet provider, or ethernet or wifi. As roblox like most other companys, doesn’t have servers just for people who use ethernet or wifi and or different internet providers.

About region I’m in the us and not in florida or near florida, and still experiencing it for multiple days as well. So most likely its widespread.

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Hi thank you for the report! We are looking into this and we’ll come back with updates! Thanks.


FINALLY :heart::heart::heart:

I just can’t WAIT any longer for this to be fixed.


We are working on a more widespread fix for the asset loading issues. In the meantime though, if you’re still experiencing the issue you should be able to resolve it by clearing your Roblox Http cache. This can be done by manually deleting all files in one of these two folders, depending on your operating system:
Windows: %temp%\Roblox\http
Mac OS: $TMPDIR/Roblox/http


I was able to resolve my studio asset loading issues with this solution. Thank you!

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