Games not showing up on new group page

This may just be a bug on your end, because I see the game on your group page. To me everything seems to be working.

Hm I wonder if its a cache issue then. What happens if you delete your cache and reload the site?

Can’t confirm. I can see your games under the group.

Yes, it might be cache issues. Try reloading the website without Caches. For me (Chromium based browser) it is Ctrl Shift R.

I have this issue too. Someone in my group made all my games public so I had to kick them and make the games private. Some of them just won’t disappear!

It appeared for me about an hour after making it public, once the game had roughly 100 players in it. It’s fine now.


I forgot to mention the post had to go through approval before it was posted here, so that’s why the issue was resolved by the time this was posted.

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It’s not working for me. It’s been a few hours and my game is not popping up.

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I am still having the issue. Like many others I do have the Group games visible in the group home page. This is the game I want to be shown on the group home page:

And this is the group I want it on:!/about

Please respond when you can! Thanks.


Still having the issue. One of my games are on the group, the other public one isn’t.


update: It took 1 year and 9 months but roblox has finally fixed this issue! :smile:

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roblox just made the page to Experiences and help!

It needs to be public. That’s mainly why.

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