Games with Team Create enabled take upwards of 4 minutes to open


Device Info:

Processor: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13950HX 2.20 GHz
Installed RAM: 64.0 GB (63.7 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Beta Features:


This happens when I join any team create place

Expected behavior

I should load in much quicker (not 4 minutes to load into what is basically a baseplate)

Can you share the place id of the place you are trying to load while encountering this problem? You can DM it to me if you don’t want to post it publicly in this thread. I can use that to look through our logs to see what the trouble might be.

And is it just the one place or does this happen whenever you try to joining a TC game?

Place ID: 17192093362

It happens with every team create game, I’ll see if I can get more footage of this happening but I will not be available for the remaining week.

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