Games you are unable to play due to device being displayed on sorts

Reproduction Steps Head to the home page, scroll down until you see the “shooter” sort, click on it, then click on “Phantom Forces Console”.


Expected Behaviour Only games that are playable on your device should be listed on this sort.

Actual Behaviour Games that are not available on your platform are still visible on this sort, this takes away a spot from other small developers who need the promotion more then they do. Console only games should not be listed on a PC sort. PC only games should not be listed on a mobile sort.

Workaround There is no workaround.

Issue Area: Website
Impact: Low/Medium
Frequency: Constantly

Date First Experienced: 2021-08-14 00:08:00 (+01:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-31 00:08:00 (+01:00)


You need XBOX ONE console and play game on Roblox.

That’s not the issue… The issue is that game should not be on the shooter sort if I’m on PC and the game is only playable on Xbox one.

Thanks for reporting this! We’ve made improvements to our system to prevent platform-incompatible recommendations on the homepage. Please let us know if you continue to experience such problems.

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